Wilbur Pearson

Wilbur Pearson is an Amherst artist. He trained in architecture in Alabama, California, and Massachusetts and practiced for many years, principally in Miami FL. He taught architectural design and drawing at the University of Miami. Many of his architectural drawings are published in The New Classicists: Ken Tate Architect Volume 2, The Classic House: Ken Tate Architect of Windy Hill, and Palladio Beneath the Live Oaks, about the work of New Orleans architect, Ken Tate.

While still in Florida, Pearson began drawing at Lee Willig’s studio, ArtWorks, where he concentrated on drawing the figure. Since moving to Amherst, he has been drawing with the extended Amherst College Open Model Group and a similar group in Easthampton.

Pearson’s work was selected several years in a row for the American Society of Architectural Perspectivists’ travelling exhibition, and one piece was selected for the annual juried show of the Society of the Four Arts in Palm Beach. Other exhibits of life drawing and architecture took place at the gallery of the South Florida chapter of the American Institute of Architects, and the Clematis Street Gallery in West Palm Beach.

In Amherst, Pearson’s work has been exhibited in solo and group shows at the Nacul Center, Henion’s Bakery, Wunderarts, and the Burnett Gallery.

Other chapters in his life include stints at Tikal in Guatamala and Disney Studios in LA. He is married, and has two children and six grandchildren. In addition to drawing, he enjoys kayaking in the lakes and rivers of western Massachusetts and is passionate about all things aeronautical.

Life Drawing: Woman Standing
Northampton Farm by Wilbur Pearson